Complete CJK font support in LibreCAD

Some simple hack to allow using CJK(Chinese-Japanese-Korean) font support.

Since the file size of complete CJK fonts is almost 80MB, I only added a 7-zipped font file to the folder: support/fonts :

To use this font file, you will have to unzip it to generate the wqy-cjk.lff file. To unzip it in Linux:

7z e path/to/wqy-cjk.lff.7z

and add the file to LibreCAD font folder. For example, in my Archlinux,

sudo cp path/to/wqy-cjk.lff to /usr/share/librecad/fonts/

The font handling efficiency still needs more work. Nonetheless, users should be able to use CJK fonts in LibreCAD from now on. We would like to thank the WenQuanYi project for the good font quality and support for free software.

If you find a bug in LibreCAD, or simply want LibreCAD to do more, please file a feature request/bug report at our GitHub issue tracker:

The LibreCAD team

PS: The font file is renamed to wqy-unicode, because it covers more than CJK fonts. The font file size is reduced from 80MB to 42MB, and it takes 120MB RAM to load wqy-unicode font file.

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