A new round of Google Summer of Code is gather speed.
We are happy to announce, that once again, LibreCAD is part of GSoC in 2019!
Again, under the umbrella of BRL-CAD, a couple of CAD/CAM/CAE or short CAx organizations going to mentor students for a 3 month full time coding challenge during their summer break.
The students, when they participate successfully, will gain experience, reputation and also a certificate and a stipend from Google.
Our value will be the progress, bringing LibreCAD 3 to a new level and hopefully attract the participants to stay longer with us and become a regular contributor.
This year we try a new approach and created a common platform under the name OpenCAx for cross-cutting concerns. We use the OpenCAx term for quite some time, but now it becomes more clearer.
Beside the information from Google at https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/ we have additional content for students at https://opencax.github.io/.
Project ideas are listed under https://github.com/opencax/GSoC/issues and especially for LibreCAD one can filter by project.
If you are a student who is eligible for the program, have some C++ skills and prefer coding over selling burgers, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Or you know one who might be interested, let him know about this great chance.
Look out for Armin (LordOfBikes) or Florian (Feragon) on our community chat channels IRC #librecad or Zulip or reply to any project idea.
The LibreCAD Team