Hey All,
it’s been a couple of weeks again since my last post. I have been squashing a couple of small bugs but today we got a request on what’s the status is on LibreCAD and if they can get it in the archives for 11.04. I think this is good news!
My ownly objection would be that we don’t have the following graphics:
- Small icon log: To be used in menu entries
- Splash screen graphics: Shown when program starts
- Program icon: To be used as desktop icons, icon in OSX and program icon.
Since we can have a big graphic on the splash screen I though it would be nice to show a drawing there from a open source hardware projects that was designed in LibreCAD. We could even ‘rotate’ this splash screen image with each new mayor or minor release of LibreCAD?
So, if you are graphically skilled please post to this thread 3 links to your designs. When we have a couple of nice designs I will setup a poll so we can decide what graphic to use. We could also have multiple winnars, if you like the logo of person A but the splash of Person B. We can do this aswell. The winners names will also be listed in the about dialog of LibreCAD.
Good Luck!
Ries van Twisk
Contest will be run until Monday 12AM 31th of Jan 2011. After that I will post all submitted images in new blogpost with a poll for the community to select there favorites.
Hi. These are my designs…
Small icon log: http://www.tuimg.com/images/screensgs.png
Splash screen graphics: http://www.tuimg.com/images/screendjd.png
Program icon: http://www.tuimg.com/images/screengcg.png
Hi. Here is a new option with a small change of small icon. You can see how it is seen at menu system:
Hi all – for Ubuntu, at least, if you can give us a .svg file we can use the same file for 1 and 3.
Otherwise, a 48×48 pixel image is the size of small icons. png, xpm, and svg are all ok. SVG is preferred since it will allow scalable resizing so it will look good on netbooks up to large monitors.
Thanks Scott for the additional input on that.
Yes, the graphics needs to be SVG for at least the small icon and program icon. I can live with a splash screen as PNG…
more info: background/edges can/should be transparent. It will look prettier when in a dock like Mac OSX, Ubuntu Unity, Windows Task Bar
Simple idea, not complete:
just a concept for the splash screen thinking of adding a coffee stain http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2869749/logo.jpg
will be back with a logo
This is the rest of Alex King’s message:
and here what i was thinking for libreCAD logo/splash screen.
“i read heaps on inkscape
for the icon i was thinking of keeping with the blue print idea and have a coffee mug half real and half blueprints and have rolled up blueprints behind the real coffee mug side and have the blueprint on the unrolled side
like this http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2869749/concept.JPG”
That’s a nice looking splash screen
I cant get my mask to work if i export it as a SVG sorry
Here is the broke SVG if you still want it http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2869749/CADicon.svg
Here is the rest
64×64 png http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2869749/LibreCAD.png
Splash http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2869749/splash.png
(the white is to show a drawing from a open source hardware projects that was designed in LibreCAD)
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everyone using known and proprietary typefaces on this logo contest, please avoid them – if needed to use ready typefaces, please use ofl-licenced ones – the one i used at http://avatar.identi.ca/23296-96-20101124163135.png were drawn from me by hand, without copying anything
Hi all, these is my first message here, so let me thanks Ries van Twisk for this fork of qcad
I’m a simply user from italy, with poor knowledge about coding, grafic programs and english language.
When I read about a LibreCad icon I start thinking. An icon must be representative about the program name and effective use then…
Libre…. nothing give me the free sensations like the fly. A bird or a butterfly will fit very well with these concept!!!
Cad… a cad program is the modern version of a grafic tool. A square set and a pencil can give the idea?!
This is my concept proposal…
It is just a poor example, a collage of existing icons and simply triangles but if you like the idea I can try to improve it with photorealism character.
while I am thinking to qt4, the step to kde4 is very short. Why you’re not asking to Oxygen team for an icon? I think Nuno Pinheiro can help us…
Bye bye
Luca aka Pedro
That is not a logo is a icon
Hi, all! My variant for logo and splash screen
and here is svg file and my work for making a new tools icons for LibreCAD, because a native icons from Qcad is a litle ugly)) Here is svg file with icons too.
Hm, I like your interface icons the best.
Hi Ries, I’ve posted some designs on my blog. Opinions are welcome.
I think it is very graphic and goes out the concept cad
Hi, i am a graphic designer and this is my proposal:
the cleanest so far, IMHO, but it lacks stickiness, and it can’t be easily converted to an icon…
I like option 1, very good logo, simple, memorable, sustainable, adaptable, I think is the best so far, congratulations.
please consider my suggestion for the logo as well, for being voted: http://avatar.identi.ca/23296-96-20101124163135.png
I think that no identity.
Ries, please let us know when the LibreCAD logo contest starts (milestones), and which submissions are being considered to that – i want to being part of this and follow as closely as possible
that’s a good point. I am planning to run it for about 2 or 3 weeks.
Then I will post a other blog showing all images from all persons and setup a voting system, similar as what I did with the naming of LibreCAD.
Ries, have you sizes in mind? i think OSX uses 128×128 pixel-size for icons, but i don’t know which default sizes are suggested for us to be followed? – or proportions, since .svg files can be that scaled to raster sizes if needed
Early posts have said that scalable SVG icons are preferred with a square aspect ratio for icons (1:1). I believe the splash logo is more free form.
I think you’re a bit off. Mac OSX icons are 512×512.
Screenie of Icon Composter (part of the XCode toolset.)
my two cents:
The same but 64×64 pixels
I use opensource in my proffesional work as a designer – so here’s my contribution…
it’s only logos and icons for now – maybe I’ll find time to make splash screens too later…
keep my fingers crossed for LibreCAD to evolve into something big.
This is my proposal. I choose the measurement line because precision is really what separates a 2D CAD tool from a normal vector editor.
The way the measurement line is used also shows that the program is completely “libre” (now).
There are always two versions, a normal one and one for smaller symbols.
Of course it’s possible to just use one of them.
I was not quite sure if the black or the white one is nicer so here are both versions.
I made them using Inkscape so I would provide the svg i case this is chosen, I just thought it’s easier to show it using png.
Sorry, html seems to not work in these comments. Didn’t know, so here the direct links:
working links
Nice to b
i like the little line detail
i updated my icons once again
for viewing http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2869749/better%20libreCAD%20icon.png
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2869749/better%20icon.svg no text
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2869749/better%20libreCAD%20icon.svg Text (libreCAD)
I’m having problems with my server
so here are the projects on imageshack :
Another suggestion .
another logo plus button variants
made in inkscape -> svg available
variant without capital letters + variant with unified “li”
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A splash screen will be available soon ;o)
This is where the image is hosted
You need a logo? From one soon, sreenshots, a gallery, a list of system requirements, a site more explanatory, with more illustrations … you need much more, came to know this program and found nothing about it.