Here’s an update with what LibreCAD is up to:
Logo contest update:
There were some great submissions and comments, but no clear cut choice for the logo. Dalton Designer appears to be the leader. We’re going to set up another poll on the front page of librecad where you can vote, and hopefully get more people interested so we can come to a more general consensus. We’ve also been working on improving the icons inside of LibreCAD to adopt our own unique color scheme (green) and remove non translatable text from the icons.

Beta 6 plans:
Work is continuing on Beta 6. An autosave feature is completed, and we expect the new icons, logos, and splash screen. For the future, we’re also planning on getting the help working (ported from qt3’s qassistant to qt4), but that might come after beta 6.
Community Development:
The interest in the LibreCAD project has greatly increased since Ries started it a couple months ago. To keep a project of this size sustainable, it needs constant contributions from the community. To facilitate a move to a distributed development model, we’ve started up a github repository. Future development will take place there, as will bug tracking. We’ve also set up a wiki that anyone could contribute to.
GitHub location:
Issue tracking:
For those new with github:
We’ll evaluate pull requests from anyone, and if someone shows enough interest we can give upload access to the main repository. Fork the code, fix a bug or add a feature!
We’re a community project, so we are always looking for help:
- Bug reports
- Participate on the forums (we need to set some up! if you’re interested in helping ries moderate and maintain the forums, reply to this post)
- Translations
- Bug fixing, incorporating new features
- Edit and maintain the wiki
- Just using and testing LibreCAD!
On a related note, check out a Spanish-speaking site for LibreCAD at: (thanks to Pablo “PRAR”)
Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty):
LibreCAD will be in the default Ubuntu repositories for version 11.04. You can install it from the Software Center! It will also be the default CAD for Edubuntu.